Only Jesus Can Fill the Void

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.” Matthew‬ ‭12:43-45‬

We were created with a God vacuum in our souls that only He can fill. When He doesn't fill it, we are easy pickin's for the unclean spirits of the world to tempt us to fill the void with all sorts of evils like sexual immorality and perversion. To be free of the bondage of sin that is keeping us from finding rest for our souls, we must confess our sins and surrender to the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives. Often people whose lives have been wrecked by sin will admit their wrongs. Confessing our sins and taking responsibility for them is a vital first step to experiencing deliverance. Seeing the sin in our lives and desiring deliverance is an indication that the Spirit of God is at work in our lives.

To be out of fellowship with God because of unrepentant sin is a bad place to be. But a worse place to be is out of fellowship with God and His followers and not care. Many do not care what God thinks or wants because they've hardened their hearts to His voice. And some people harden their hearts so much that God leaves them to themselves, to seek their own desires, which leads to self destruction. God will knock on the door even when we've shut Him out, but there can come a time when we won't hear the knocking anymore (Rev. 3:20, Hebrews 3:7). If you do hear God knocking on the door of your life that is shutting Him out and you hear His voice, run to the door. Jesus wants to come in and set you free so that you can find rest for your soul in Him.

How do you open the door? You open the door through repentance of sin and faith in Christ's love for you demonstrated on the cross where He died for your sin. You open the door by recognizing that when you do, He doesn't want to come in to rent a room in your house, but to take over your house. He doesn't come in to simply move some things out of your life, but to move in so that He can run the house. Many today are calling on God to move things out of their lives that have brought trouble, but they really don't want God to move in. They still want to run their own lives. As a result, those unclean spirits that are roaming around in this world, looking for a place to set up shop, find a home in your empty life.

Are you tired of running your own life under the influence of the unclean spirits of this world? Do you hear the Savior knocking? Open the door in repentance and faith in Jesus. Open the door for Him to come in and clean house so that He can be at home in your heart. Give Him the rightful place on the throne of your heart. He will keep the uncleanness out and your soul will find peace and sweet rest. May the Spirit of God fill your heart so that you might know the joy of fellowship with God and live to the glory of Him name.

Pastor Marco