Midwest Bible Church is an independent non-denominational church. In our case, this means that we are a Christ-centered, Bible-believing Congregation that is not formally connected with a larger denomination, association, or organization. When we look to the Bible, the evidence points to each church as self-governing and answerable to God Himself. In the book of Acts, where we read of the first missionary journeys and the establishment of many churches, there is no indication of a hierarchy of authority beyond the church's local elders. The churches established in that first journey were left under the care of elders (Acts 14:23) from their own ranks after being taught by Paul and Barnabas. When the council was called at Jerusalem, it was not because of any question of organizational structure or control, but to discuss doctrinal matters about what constitutes salvation (Acts 15:5-6). The apostles who had been directly commissioned by Jesus were the only people who could adequately address the question authoritatively. As an independent Bible church, we believe that the bible is the final authority on all matters of faith and practice.
Complementarianism is the view that males and females complement each other in their different roles and duties. In the context of Christianity, men are to be leaders in the church and the home. Christian complementarianism does not see women as inferior or men as superior. Instead, it sees them as being identical in nature but different in function and role. For example, women are to bear children, where men are not. This noticeable biological difference is a complementarian necessity within the family. Likewise, men are to lead their families with Godly direction, and the women are to support their husbands in their leadership.
Therefore, in complementarianism, when we look at what the Bible says about the difference in leadership roles in the church, we find that women are not to teach or exercise authority over men (1 Tim. 2:12) based upon the created order (1 Tim. 2:13). Likewise, elders are to be male (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6). This difference of authoritative structure is not based on culture, but on the fact that Adam was created first. Therefore we do not believe in ordaining women as pastors and or elders. This does not at all mean that women cannot be used mightily in ministry. It only means that we do not believe the Lord has called women to be the “overseers” of the church.
Therefore, in complementarianism, when we look at what the Bible says about the difference in leadership roles in the church, we find that women are not to teach or exercise authority over men (1 Tim. 2:12) based upon the created order (1 Tim. 2:13). Likewise, elders are to be male (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6). This difference of authoritative structure is not based on culture, but on the fact that Adam was created first. Therefore we do not believe in ordaining women as pastors and or elders. This does not at all mean that women cannot be used mightily in ministry. It only means that we do not believe the Lord has called women to be the “overseers” of the church.
Spiritual Gifts
We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible. We encourage their exercise, but always decently and in order, and the primary emphasis on God's word, which we look to as our primary rule of faith.
We reject the over-emphasis of spiritual gifts and experiential signs and wonders to the exclusion of biblical teaching.
We do not allow the practice of speaking in tongues during services because we do not believe the Holy Spirit would interrupt Himself. We do not believe tongues are normative for today or that they are necessary evidence of the Holy Spirit's baptism. We believe that every believer is baptized by the Spirit (united with Christ at conversion), which does not necessitate speaking in tongues. We do believe in the empowering of the Holy Spirit for service.
We reject the over-emphasis of spiritual gifts and experiential signs and wonders to the exclusion of biblical teaching.
We do not allow the practice of speaking in tongues during services because we do not believe the Holy Spirit would interrupt Himself. We do not believe tongues are normative for today or that they are necessary evidence of the Holy Spirit's baptism. We believe that every believer is baptized by the Spirit (united with Christ at conversion), which does not necessitate speaking in tongues. We do believe in the empowering of the Holy Spirit for service.
Miracles and Healing
What about miracles and healings? First, we believe God still heals and does miraculous things today, and we should pray for such. We believe that the primary function of sign gifts like healing and speaking in tongues was to accredit the gospel message, confirming that Jesus was both Lord and Christ. We do not see them as normative for today. Now, could God in cutting-edge missionary situations grant miracles and signs and wonders to accredit the gospel as he did in apostolic times? Yes. But that's not the same thing as having these gifts as a regular feature in the church's ongoing life. If people truly have the gift of healing and miracles today, they need to demonstrate such by performing the healing and miracles found in the Bible.
Let's consider an objection to the notion that some of the gifts have ceased. Doesn't 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 teach that the gifts last until Jesus comes again? Certainly, this text teaches that the gifts could last until Jesus returns. There's no definitive teaching in the Bible that they've ceased. We might even expect them to last until the second coming. But we see hints from Ephesians 2:20 and other texts that the gifts played a foundational role. Then, we conclude that 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 permits but doesn't require the gifts to continue until the second coming. And the gifts as they are practiced today don't fit with the biblical description of these gifts.
Let's consider an objection to the notion that some of the gifts have ceased. Doesn't 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 teach that the gifts last until Jesus comes again? Certainly, this text teaches that the gifts could last until Jesus returns. There's no definitive teaching in the Bible that they've ceased. We might even expect them to last until the second coming. But we see hints from Ephesians 2:20 and other texts that the gifts played a foundational role. Then, we conclude that 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 permits but doesn't require the gifts to continue until the second coming. And the gifts as they are practiced today don't fit with the biblical description of these gifts.
Calvinism (Limited Atonement)
Calvinism teaches that Jesus’ atonement on the Cross was limited, that is, that He died only for a chosen group, not for the sins of the entire world. At Midwest Bible Church, we believe that Jesus died on the Cross for all sins of all people and that anyone who puts their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior is saved and passes from death to life.
Word of Faith
We reject the teachings of the word of faith movement. We do not believe that faith is a force and that our words are the containers of the force by which we can create our own reality. The exercise of faith is the place of our trust in God, who has revealed His trustworthiness through His word (Romans 10:17). Faith is as good as it's object. The prayer of faith is a confident trust in God's ability to heal. But faith trusts God's will to be good, even when healing is not granted.
Prosperity Gospel
We reject the teaching of the "Prosperity Gospel." At Midwest Bible Church, we believe that many believers, both in the Bible and daily life, are often afflicted not because their confession is wrong, but simply because we live in a fallen world. Suffering isn't a sign of God's anger, disapproval, or neglect. According to God's word, suffering, in the life of a believer, is meant to reveal our faith's genuineness, which will result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Peter 1:6-9). So, we believe the Bible teaches us that God is both Lord of the mountain and valley. And when we are called to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear because our Good Shepherd goes before and with us (Psalm 23).
We practice believer's baptism by immersion as an outward expression of our inward faith and obedience to God. We do not believe that it's necessary for salvation, but we do require it for membership.We do not baptize infants at MBC because we believe baptism is a public confession of faith in obedience to Christ. (Acts 2:38 & 41, 8:12, 8:36-38, 16:30-34)
End Times
At Midwest Bible Church, we are pre-millennialist and pre-tribulation rapturist.