The mission of SCTS is to train members of the Body of Christ in the disciplined study of God; His Attributes, His Word, and other core Bible Doctrines, utilizing the Scriptures as the primary Source. The goal is to become well equipped to better understand the Bible, to be stirred by God's Spirit to consistently apply His Truths, and to "honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks [you] for a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15).


Theology is more than an intellectual exercise in the expansion of one's knowledge of God. The disciplined inquiry and learning about Him demands personal application and a steadfast devotion to the Eternal Divine Subject. The reason for a church curriculum on Christian Theological Studies as a ministry of Midwest Bible Church is that we recognize from Scripture the importance of all believers to have the same "noble" heart as the Bereans who "received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so" (Acts 17:10).

Our hope is that students will come away from these important courses eager to learn more from God's Word as it is "examined" in order to become strengthened in their faith, determined to do their "best to present [themselves] to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).


Join us for our first course, Introduction to Bibliology, that will consist of 3 lectures starting Wednesday November 6th, continuing weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm. This course will be taught by Vidal Cordova (M.A. in Theological Studies and M.A. in Forensic/Clinical Psychology).

The objectives of this class are:
  • To stand strong in the knowledge that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
  • To detect errors in false teachings and subtle deceptions.
  • To develop faith by "hearing" through the Word of Christ.
  • To be content knowing that although one day everything will pass, God's Word will remain forever.
  • To be committed to the faithful study and application of God's Word.
  • To endeavor to view life from God's perspective,
  • To proclaim an uncompromised, biblically sound Gospel message.
  • To find hope and encouragement amid constant unrest and worldly disorder.
  • To value sanctification in God's Truth.
  • To be grounded in the teachings of God's Word.
  • To increase love for God's Word.
Our next course is estimated to be in January, taught by our Lead Pastor, Pastor Marco, on the topic of the Holy Spirit.


  • Be Saved by God's Grace, through Faith in Christ Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Commitment to attend all classes punctually.
  • Participation in class discussions and exercises.
  • Commitment to complete all home assignments and turn them in on time.
  • Commitment to work at successfully passing course quizzes.
  • Bring a hardcopy (non-digital) of the Bible to every class.
  • Bring pen/pencil and notebook dedicated to the Course.
  •  A good disposition to learn more of the wonders of God through the disciplined study of His Word.
All Courses are free of charge and a Course Certificate of Completion will be conferred to all who have successfully met the requirements listed above in recognition of students' achievement.

Since SCTS is not an accredited institution of higher learning that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education it does not confer college credits.


Register today and join us for our first class, Intro to Bibliology, starting Wednesday November 6th at 7pm. We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall; the main front room on the left as you walk into Midwest Bible Church.