Let's Go

“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: 23 “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God be with him. Let him go up.’” 2 Chronicles 36:22-23
The book of 2 Chronicles records the reign of Solomon, King David’s son, who is succeeded by his son, Rehoboam. Under the reign of Rehoboam, who heeded the bad counsel of his peers, the nation was divided in two. Rehoboam reigned over Judah (Judah and Benjamin) and Jeroboam reigned over Israel (the other ten tribes).
Much of 2 Chronicles is focused on Judah and its monarchy. A few of the kings of Judah were faithful to the Lord, but most were not, leading the kingdom into idolatry. Because of their continual disobedience, they are conquered by their enemies and brought into Babylonian, then later Persian, captivity.
Many of the prophets ministered during the history covered in 2 Chronicles. Their ministries and messages give additional insight into the propensity of the nations of both Israel and Judah to turn away from the Lord.
But despite the record of Israel and Judah’s continual backsliding, 2 Chronicles ends on a note of great hope and redemption. Although other pagan nations rose to power and conquered Israel and Judah, God in His sovereignty was orchestrating these events to discipline His covenant people but also to preserve His larger redemptive plans.
Again, the final verses of 2 Chronicles ends with a message of great hope and redemption. They record the proclamation by Cyrus, the Persian king, which stated that the God of heaven had given him dominion over all the kingdoms of the earth. Additionally, Cyrus proclaimed that God had appointed him to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, which he also knew meant that he was to allow a remnant to return to begin the rebuilding and restoration process. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah further provide a record of the exiled people of God returning to their land to rebuild their faith.
In addition to demonstrating God's sovereignty over a pagan ruler, His offering of a path for restoration reveals the heart and character of God (2 Chronicles 36:23). He is a God of hope and redemption, which is seen from Genesis to Revelation and is ultimately fulfilled in the sinless life, substitutionary death, saving resurrection, and second coming of Christ.
Despite being a pagan king, Cyrus became an instrument of God, demonstrating that God can work through anyone, anywhere, and at anytime to fulfill His purposes. Moreover, as God offered hope to the exiled Israelites, providing a call to return to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple, and renew their faith, God is also offering redemptive hope today. God is still calling His people and making a way for them to participate with Him in the unfolding of His redemptive plans among the nations.
The books of Ezra records the response of the exiled people of God to the call of God:
As the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 also explains, every follower of Jesus is given a stewardship and a kingdom assignment along with the gifts necessary to carry it out. In the parable, a man going on a journey gave his servants talents according to each man’s ability or capacity. But before he gave each of them their talents, he called them to himself.
While explaining what His kingdom is like, we read: “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.” Matthew 25:14
There are two key words in Matthew 25:14--called and entrusted, which speak to how God’s kingdom operates.
Have you responded to God’s call upon your life? God can use unexpected people in unprecedented times to accomplish His purposes, even when it seems beyond our understanding.
Many scholars believe that Ezra, who God used to lead His exiled people to rebuild the temple, was also used by God to write First and Second Chronicles, which ends with this call:
The restoration of the temple was completed against all odds, but not before the people responded to the call, “Let him go up” and trusted that God would go before them.
Likewise, God wants to use you to bring gospel restoration in this world. Consider areas in your life where you need to experience spiritual renewal and intentionally make space to rebuild your relationship with God. And as you draw near to God, He will draw near to you and share His heart and plans with you.
Remember: calling always precedes gifting. Be a vessel of God in your circle of influence using your gifts to participate in the unfolding of God’s redemptive plans. Let’s go!
-Pastor Marco
The book of 2 Chronicles records the reign of Solomon, King David’s son, who is succeeded by his son, Rehoboam. Under the reign of Rehoboam, who heeded the bad counsel of his peers, the nation was divided in two. Rehoboam reigned over Judah (Judah and Benjamin) and Jeroboam reigned over Israel (the other ten tribes).
Much of 2 Chronicles is focused on Judah and its monarchy. A few of the kings of Judah were faithful to the Lord, but most were not, leading the kingdom into idolatry. Because of their continual disobedience, they are conquered by their enemies and brought into Babylonian, then later Persian, captivity.
Many of the prophets ministered during the history covered in 2 Chronicles. Their ministries and messages give additional insight into the propensity of the nations of both Israel and Judah to turn away from the Lord.
But despite the record of Israel and Judah’s continual backsliding, 2 Chronicles ends on a note of great hope and redemption. Although other pagan nations rose to power and conquered Israel and Judah, God in His sovereignty was orchestrating these events to discipline His covenant people but also to preserve His larger redemptive plans.
“God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to conquer the kingdom of Judah and carry the Israelites into captivity in Babylon. Seventy years of bondage and exile passed between 2 Chronicle 36:21 and 22. Verse 21 records the fall of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar in 582 BC, and verse 22 records Cyrus king of Persia, seven decades later, allowing the people to return to the land in 539 BC. Archaeology has proven this verse to be accurate with the discovery of the 'Cyrus cylinder,' which records Cyrus’ policy of encouraging exiles to return to their homelands.” Ed Rea
Again, the final verses of 2 Chronicles ends with a message of great hope and redemption. They record the proclamation by Cyrus, the Persian king, which stated that the God of heaven had given him dominion over all the kingdoms of the earth. Additionally, Cyrus proclaimed that God had appointed him to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, which he also knew meant that he was to allow a remnant to return to begin the rebuilding and restoration process. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah further provide a record of the exiled people of God returning to their land to rebuild their faith.
In addition to demonstrating God's sovereignty over a pagan ruler, His offering of a path for restoration reveals the heart and character of God (2 Chronicles 36:23). He is a God of hope and redemption, which is seen from Genesis to Revelation and is ultimately fulfilled in the sinless life, substitutionary death, saving resurrection, and second coming of Christ.
Despite being a pagan king, Cyrus became an instrument of God, demonstrating that God can work through anyone, anywhere, and at anytime to fulfill His purposes. Moreover, as God offered hope to the exiled Israelites, providing a call to return to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple, and renew their faith, God is also offering redemptive hope today. God is still calling His people and making a way for them to participate with Him in the unfolding of His redemptive plans among the nations.
The books of Ezra records the response of the exiled people of God to the call of God:
“Then rose up the heads of the fathers’ houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the Lord that is in Jerusalem.” Ezra 1:5
As the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 also explains, every follower of Jesus is given a stewardship and a kingdom assignment along with the gifts necessary to carry it out. In the parable, a man going on a journey gave his servants talents according to each man’s ability or capacity. But before he gave each of them their talents, he called them to himself.
While explaining what His kingdom is like, we read: “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.” Matthew 25:14
There are two key words in Matthew 25:14--called and entrusted, which speak to how God’s kingdom operates.
“The order of God’s work in us is clear,” says Troy Keaton, “God always calls us before He gifts us. It is a misunderstanding of God’s ways to believe He only calls us to those things that we are already gifted in.
Moses, for example, was not gifted to speak to Pharaoh or lead the people to the promise land. But he had a calling to do that. It was when he said yes to the call, that God gave Moses what he needed to do the work. God simply empowered the things and the people already in Moses’ life to accomplish the work; a staff and his brother and sister.
Calling always precedes gifting and relentless faithfulness must follow them both. Your success and mine are primarily determined by our willingness to consistently do the day to day hard things. Things that enable us to finish what we started, effectively manage what we have been entrusted, and be fully ready for the masters return.”
Have you responded to God’s call upon your life? God can use unexpected people in unprecedented times to accomplish His purposes, even when it seems beyond our understanding.
Many scholars believe that Ezra, who God used to lead His exiled people to rebuild the temple, was also used by God to write First and Second Chronicles, which ends with this call:
“Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God be with him. Let him go up.” 2 Chronicles 36:23
The restoration of the temple was completed against all odds, but not before the people responded to the call, “Let him go up” and trusted that God would go before them.
Likewise, God wants to use you to bring gospel restoration in this world. Consider areas in your life where you need to experience spiritual renewal and intentionally make space to rebuild your relationship with God. And as you draw near to God, He will draw near to you and share His heart and plans with you.
Remember: calling always precedes gifting. Be a vessel of God in your circle of influence using your gifts to participate in the unfolding of God’s redemptive plans. Let’s go!
-Pastor Marco