Cultivating a Culture of Honor

Aug 30, 2020    Pastor Marco David

We are living an age of increasing contempt. The way the country is divided over politics, pandemics, and issues concerning social justice is destructive. It's one thing to have a different view over these issues, but it's another thing to have contempt for someone that doesn't agree with you. It seems like our society has lost the ability to honor and respect others with whom they disagree. Instead, they feel contempt. As Christians, who are called to live counter-cultural lives for Jesus' sake, we must guard against getting caught up in all the ugliness of our culture.

Instead, we are to show the world another way—a redemptive and restorative way. In this message, we examine from 1 Peter 2:13-17 how to cultivate a culture of honor to bring gospel transformation to a culture of contempt.